PDAA2022 우수발표상 수상자 발표

페이지 정보

작성자 대한소아치과학회 댓글 0건 조회 4,233회 작성일 22-04-26 10:09


PDAA2022 & 대한소아치과학회 제 63회 종합학술대회 우수발표상 수상자 발표


- 조다영(연세대): Assessment of occupational noise‐related hearing impairment among dentists

- 김용순(강릉원주대): Enhancement of erythrosine-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) on Streptococcus mutans biofilms with potassium iodide


- 성민아(조선대): Evaluation of the strength of a tongue, lips, and cheeks in patients treated with myofunctional therapy and appliances.

- 최수진(원광대): Assessment of Relationship between Sella Turcica Morphology and Delayed Dental Age

- 부산대(박소영): Mechanical Properties of 3D-printed Resin Crowns for Primary Molars

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