IAPD 2020 Annual Newsletter

페이지 정보

작성자 대한소아치과학회 댓글 0건 조회 15,525회 작성일 20-05-29 13:49


세계소아치과학회 (IAPD) 에서 2020 annual newsletter를 발간하였습니다.

이에 대한소아치과학회 회원 여러분께 아래와 같이 보고드리오니 클릭하시어 읽어보시길 부탁드립니다.

참고로 우리 학회 소식은 본문 중 62, 63 페이지에 소개되어 있습니다.


Available Now | IAPD Annual Newsletter 2020
If you have trouble reading this newsletter, view the web version here

IAPD - International Association of Paediatric Dentistry

IAPD Annual Newsletter

We are proud to present you with the IAPD 2020 Newsletter

The Annual IAPD Newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure.

We hope that you will enjoy looking back at the last year and that the reports and photos from our IAPD family around the globe evoke great memories and invigorate you with courage and hope for the days to come.

Visit our new website
to download the newsletter now.

Spread the Word:


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18 Avenue Louis-Casai
1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 5330 948

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